I hate New Year.
Never liked it, never will.
I really really want to, every year I give myself a little pep-talk and I get myself all psyched up, and then every year i get all deflated and melancholy. Its probably the weather and the come down after the Christmas Crazy but its gets me every dang year! So this year Im just embracing it and getting cozy in the Big Sad. He's here for a while. It's not all bad though, it just means big sweaters, lots of hot chocolate, sitting on the sofa crocheting and watching all the movies. Sounds pretty good to me!
One thing I really wanted to get done in the first bit of the year was my altar in the bedroom. After the move, it's been a slow unpacking and I've been missing all my candles and cards, so it feels great to finally have this space again. It's definitely not its final form (I have some great ideas for how I want it to actually look) but it'll do for now. It was great to see some of my favourite things again after so long. It's funny how attached you can get to things without even realising it. I mean, how can you not love this magnificent wizard man?! I also did my Reading for the year, and oh boy, what I year I have a head of me...it's gonna be...interesting!
So the start of the year is going to be filled with crochet and reading. I found last years ends jar so Im excited to fill an even bigger one this year! I've already finished 4 projects so I'm feeling good about this year on the crochet front. I've got so many ideas that I want to do and so many projects to get started on, keep your eyes peeled for all the fun things coming your way!